‘Asia’s Darfur’

The better the words Jay Lefkowitz speaks, the more the rest of this administration seems to be drifting toward appeasing the regime at any cost.  I admire his efforts to attach the plight of the North Korean people to a worthy cause that has received so much attention from the media, Hollywood, and the Human Rights Industry, but I’ve come to the conclusion that  Lefkowitz’s approach is all wrong. 

What Lefkowitz and others need to grasp is this:   hatred of America is like kyrptonite to the conscience of the Human Rights Industry; it’s just too confusing to them.  It divides their sanctimony and blocks their  ability to form clear judgments.  The only way to  interest the left  in the atrocities in North Korea is to adopt this suggestion and form a “strategic relationship” with  Kim Jong Il.  We could sell them guns.  Wal-Mart could set up  a big new sweatshop  in Kaesong.  If all else fails, Halliburton could drill for oil off their coast.   Until then, it doesn’t matter how many millions of North Koreans die.  The left will choose not to care.