Meet Lee Won-Bok, the Julius Streicher of Korea

Update 2:   Reading Monnara is translating the entire chapter;  stop by regularly  if your stomach can handle it.  

Update:   I’ve just gone though Sonagi’s Flickr page  (see also), and I feel physically ill.  I don’t think I’ve seen anything  this venemous emerging from the civilized  world since the 1930’s, although if you’ve studied the history of those times, it will look more than vaguely  familiar:  the Jews control Hollywood and the media, control all of our foreign policy … and 9/11 is their fault.  I’ll give you just a sample:


Extra points for the caricature of the Native American raping the white woman(!).  If this is what they’re teaching the kiddies in Korea today, it’s no wonder we see atrocities like this — that was  Representative Brad Sherman’s  term  — on the streets of Seoul. 

Is this 1930 all over again?  The irony of it all is that this crude mischaracterization of history could very well put Korea on the exit ramp to the very worst of recent history.  You can see in a very real way how Korea’s racial obsession will be the agent of its destruction.  This requires no fanciful historical constructs; the genocidal potential is  already being realized when North Korea espouses the ideology of racial purity and national superiority,  is gassing whole families and killing  babies for being racial impure,  and  runs a massive system of concentration camps.  Is North Korea the “real” Korea, the “pure” Korea, as  many South  Koreans believe?  If so, we should view this as a confession from a heart of darkness.  It magnifies my own sense of urgency to disengage from Korea.  Where reason is an orphan, conflict is inevitable.  And we want to be very careful about being dragged in.

And then again, the wrong kind of disengagement brought us the Middle East as we know it today.  I see no choice here but to expose these lies and the mainstreaming of them, in the hope that someone in Korea will appeal to reason and be heard (already, some of you are laughing).

Original Post:   Robert has taken note of the publication of an anti-Semitic comic book about America that’s a best-seller with the kiddies these days.  Well, in the coming days, I will do my best to fling this excrement into the fan, but here’s a sample, just to let you know that we’re not only speaking of anti-Semitism here.    There seems to be a lot of this going around in that part of the world lately.

One word:  revolting.

I certainly don’t advocate a government ban on this stuff.  God knows, the Korean government’s judgment about which speech should and should not be permitted is questionable enough.  On the other hand, I hope that exposure of this will humiliate Koreans into not buying or selling this crap.

Of course, that was my hope in trying to document the slow extinction of the North Korean people — with plenty of generous financial assistance from South Korean taxpayers.  I’ve been at this for three years now, but I see few signs of shame there yet.\

Anyway, this is something we ought to know about.

Many, many thanks to Sonagi for sending.