South Korea Abstains Again

. . . in a U.N. vote  to condemn  North Korea’s human rights  atrocities (via Korea Unification Studies).  They abstain, for the record, from condemning this, or this, or this.  Or this.

Almost exactly a year ago, after years of abstentions, the South Koreans finally yielded to intense pressure and voted in favor.  What changed?   My theory is that America’s betrayal gave the South Koreans cover.  Remember that next time anyone tries to argue that our diplomacy with North Korea will help ease the oppression in North Korea.  In fact, we’ve just condoned it with our silence, and in doing so, our diplomats have underscored the farcical uselessness of the vaunted  multilateral institution where  they executed their Machiavellian pirouette.  Here is its epitaph:

“[W]e believed the United Nations could save us.”   — A Yodok survivor

4 Responses

  1. How come the U.N. does not condemn israel who is illegally occupying Palestie and killing, kidnapping and torturing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Muslims, and the U.S. who is doing the same in Iraq, Afghanistan?

  2. Wow. What ossuary of civilization (and capitalization) might you come from? Now, you’re obviously an angry young man of below-average intelligence, so let me give you some research assistance. That’s what I just live to do. I have absolutely nothing better to do than sit here all day and patiently serve proof that the world is round to slack-jawed eurotrash in charming yet dangerously inbred Alpine villages.

    And as it turns out, you’re wrong. The UN Human Rights Council condemns no one BUT Israel — not Sudan, North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, the Taliban, or the Al Qaeda “resistance” fighters who intentionally explode themselves next to crowds of kids. The only exception I could find was that they stopped to “strongly deplore” the massacre of Burmese monks in the streets of Rangoon, before turning to the next condemnation of Israel for having the temerity to shoot back at and wall out “the liberation struggle.”

    Say, would you be interested in writing to your own Prime Minister / Head of State / Comandante Supremo / President for Life and asking them to find 20 acres of land and 23% of the funding for that whole UN thing, if that’s not too much trouble? Personally, I figure that the share of taxes I’m paying for that could get me a nice set of plastic ornamental deer for my lawn instead.

    … kidnapping and torturing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Muslims, and the U.S. who is doing the same in Iraq, Afghanistan?

    Right. Can you point to the specific page of the Saddampedia where you read that?