Daewoo proudly announces Burma deal, complete absence of business ethics

I suppose, by now, we shouldn’t be surprised that South Korean companies find no regime too murderous or repugnant to do business with, and given the celebratory “tae-han-min-guk” tone this article, South Korean consumers probably won’t object to Daewoo pimping natural gas for the Burmese junta.  I doubt we’ll even hear from our old friend Assemblyman Im Jung In, who briefly halted his support for Kim Jong Il’s agents in the South to denounce Burma’s slightly less horrid atrocities.
I think consumers elsewhere should object, and might, but the real answer is comprehensive international sanctions against Burma, which won’t happen at this point.  The outrage has mostly blown over, and it’s just a matter of time before the asbestos brake shoes on your Hyundai will be made by imprisoned dissident monks.