Senators Urge Bush Not to De-List N. Korea as Terror Sponsor

Six senators, all Republicans, have signed a letter to President Bush asking him not to remove North Korea from the list of state sponsors of terrorism yet.  The senators are Sam Brownback of Kansas, James Inhofe and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, John Kyl of Arizona (the minority whip), Charles Grassley of Iowa, … and Larry Craig.

You can see a pdf of the letter — full text, signatures, and all, here:


Many thanks to the person who sent me this.  I was mildly disappointed that  Joe Lieberman, a co-sponsor of S.399,  did not sign.  One other confirmed skeptic of  Agreed Framework 2.0, John McCain, can rightfully claim to be otherwise occupied at the moment.  Another recent skeptic who did not sign is Jim Bunning of Kentucky.  Still, it’s significant that two more senators, Coburn and Inhofe, have joined  a growing list of AF 2.0 skeptics. 

The new letter cites several reasons for not de-listing North Korea yet:  its failure to explain what happened in Syria, the need to let Lee Myung-Bak take office and set a policy we can coordinate with, and the agreement’s sidelining of other issues that it calls “inseparable” from  the nuclear issue:  human rights, economic aid, and “security issues.”