Anju Links for 24 March 2008

WE PAY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to get back the remains of our MIA’s, but North Korea lets them lie unclaimed, unmarked, and unmourned. Then again, that’s probably true of plenty of North Koreans today.

HARD TIMES FOR BAD PEOPLE: The Washington Post reports from Colombia that the the Marxist, Chavez-backed, coke-dealing FARC guerrillas have suffered serious military setbacks and morale problems. Like Al Qaeda, the FARC has done serious harm to America on its own soil, and also like Al Qaeda, its own brutality turns could be its undoing.

WORDS I THOUGHT I’D NEVER SAY: Hooray for Nancy Pelosi:

“‘Human rights police’ like Pelosi are habitually bad tempered and ungenerous when it comes to China, refusing to check their facts and find out the truth of the case,” it said. “Her views are like so many other politicians and western media. Beneath the double standards lies their intention to serve the interest groups behind them, who want to contain or smear China,” it said. [AP, Cara Anna]

I think they just called her a typical white person.

SOMEONE IN CHINA IS ATTACKING TIBETAN activists with viruses and Trojan horse programs. For the more technically skilled among you, here’s more on how they do it. While I don’t rule out Chinese “netizens” stirred up by nationalist propaganda, some circumstantial evidence suggests that the Chinese government is behind it. Which shouldn’t shock anyone.