Great Moments in Congressional Relations: ChiComs Caught Hacking into Congress’s Computers

A staffer  for Rep. Frank Wolf, a Virginia Republican and stalwart opponent of China’s human rights abuses (pictured here at a Darfur rally), e-mailed me the texts of  a statement, a speech to have been given yesterday,  and a resolution to be introduced in the House.  Here’s the gist of it:

Madam Speaker, in August 2006, four of the computers in my personal office were compromised by an outside source.  In subsequent meetings with House Information Resources and officials from the FBI, I was told not only that other Members and at least one committee of the House had been similarly compromised, but that the outside sources responsible for this attack came from within the People’s Republic of China.

My office’s computers were cleaned and returned to me by House Information Resources, but ever since this happened, I have been deeply concerned that Congress is not adequately aware of or protected from these types of threats. 

While this has not been confirmed to me, my own suspicion is I was targeted by China because of my long history of speaking out about China’s abysmal human rights record.  [Speech Text, Rep. Frank Wolf, R, Va.]

And that’s not all.  You can read all three documents in full here (the texts may have been edited slightly since they were sent to me, but I’m told that the facts and figures would not have been).

[Removed.  A good friend informs me that for security reasons,  this should not have been published.]



And people wonder why we impute the worst intentions to this regime.