U.S. to Abandon Second Consecutive U.N. Human Rights Sham

After the former U.N. Human Rights Commission died of shame for having admitted some of the world’s most repressive nations as members, the United Nations formed the “Human Rights Council” to replace it,  and promptly admitted China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Cuba as members.  The U.S. government has finally given up on this second sham human rights body:

The United States has quietly informed Western allies of its intention to walk away from the U.N. Human Rights Council, diplomatic sources said on Friday.  The U.S. delegation has observer status, with the right to speak, in the 47-member state forum, which meets in Geneva, and has never stood for election to the Council since it was set up two years ago.

Diplomatic sources and rights activists said that U.S. officials had informed the European Union on Friday morning of its intention to halt its involvement in the Council.

“They said they were going to disengage totally,” said one representative of a rights watchdog group.  [Reuters]

It’s enough to make you wonder what unites these nations, and it only gets worse from there.  Get a load of who they’ve picked to lead the General Assembly.  I submit that if the U.N. really prefers  Al Qaeda  occupation to U.S. occupation, there are better uses for our taxpayer funds

(Hat tip to a reader)