Give to Them As They Do, Not as They Say

In our second great WTF moment of this week, the Republican Party just called me asking for money to buy ad space to condemn Barack Obama’s weak Jimmy Carter-style foreign policy.

Set aside the fact that the major premise of the pitch just doesn’t square with the truth.  How the hell can anyone make that claim with a straight face in light of George W. Bush’s North Korea legacy?  Did these people, in the name of a strong foreign policy, just seriously ask me to help them turn the keys to our foreign policy back over to … Colin Powell and Condi Rice?  And for that matter, who can name a major political party that isn’t sure to install Chris Hill to “manage” some spectacularly dangerous foreign policy crisis by feeding whatever beast growls at us, slipping the Senate Foreign Relations Committee a rufie, and sodomizing its entire membership live and unpixelated on C-Span 2?

Fuck these people.

Is it any wonder that the Republicans are a minority?  There are precious few politicians in either party worthy of our support today, and I can easily count them on my digits — Brownback, Royce, Lieberman, Bayh sometimes, Ros-Lehtinen, Frank Wolf, McCain, and … and that’s about it.  That leaves 14 more digits to count with, including the finger I’m holding up now.