All Animals Are Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others

Because under capitalism, man exploits man. But in the Workers’ Paradise, it’s exactly the opposite!

Affluent households get children from the lower classes to repair fences, harvest crops, produce charcoal briquettes and perform other household chores. For poor children, it serves as a good opportunity to get fed somewhat well.

The trend is even clearer in rural areas; wealthy families ask children from poor families to cultivate their private fields, sowing them in spring and harvesting the crops in fall in return for feeding them.

If they employed adults, they’d have to pay them in money, but they can use these poor children in exchange for food alone. [Daily NK]

There are times when I can’t tell whether North Korea was modeled on the works of George Orwell or Dr. Seuss. Either way, someone should tell Christine Ahn.