Korean American Robert Park Reportedly Enters North Korea

Updated Below

Late last night (the night of December 25th, Seoul-time) a couple Korean media outlets reported a Korean American, Robert Park, crossed from China into North Korea.

Twelve hours later I couldn’t find anything more on the story, and I wondered if maybe Park had not carried it out. But within the last hour Reuters also has the story, though no comment from the North Korean government as of yet.

SEOUL (Reuters) – A U.S. human rights activist trying to raise global attention about the suffering of the North Korean people has crossed into the reclusive state, other activists and South Korean media said on Saturday. [article]

Also is now in YTN.

Disclosure, I have met Robert Park or seen him on several occasions, though I’ve never talked to him at length and don’t really know him very well. I am posting this before running out the door, and may not have time to write more on it for some time. But when he gets the chance I imagine Joshua may have plenty of thoughts, analysis, and perhaps further developments that we all come to this site for.


A couple more links in the Korean media.