Um, What the Hell Was That?

OK, I get that you’re trying to make a statement of some kind, if only because you spelled it out on the screen in English. But seriously — what the hell kind of statement is this?

Either the Danish sense of humor is at least as foreign to me as it is to a North Korean, or this really just wasn’t funny, much less “subversive.” In fact, this was such an awful spectacle that I actually pitied the North Korean minders, which is saying something. After watching this, they probably asked for cyanide capsules to swallow in case of regime collapse. And heaven forbid I should impose my own P.C. template on anyone’s libertine artistic expression, but I believe the condition these guys were showcasing for its apparent comedic effect is known as “cerebral palsy.” I wonder if these guys know why most residents of Pyongyang have never seen anyone with that condition.

Thanks to a reader for forwarding.