China’s Loathesome Treatment of North Korean Children

I make no secret of my contempt for the Chinese dictatorship, because the Chinese dictatorship holds humanity in contempt. It cuts down the hopes of its people with machine guns and crushes them under tanks. It considers itself entitled to intrude into and oppress their aspirations anywhere on earth. It murders innocent refugees, then it forces their innocent and vulnerable children to live in terror:

According to the foster father, who preferred to remain anonymous, “It is illegal [so] we are not allowed to receive any foreign aid.” “I tell others that I am taking care of my relatives’ children…It is obvious that none of their relatives can take care of these children,” he said.

Many of the children in his care were left stranded after their North Korean mothers were forcibly repatriated by Chinese authorities. Others were abandoned as their mothers fled hunger and oppression for a new life in South Korea.

“First, they called me “˜auntie,”‘ said Lee Eun Hye, a Chinese national of Korean ethnicity who helps care for the children. “They said, “˜Auntie, I feel like crying…because the song you were singing speaks of longing for one’s mother.'”

According to 10-year-old Yeon Ah, who draws repeated rainbow scenes of happy children running around, her favorite story is Cinderella. “I like it, because Cinderella’s mother passed away, but still loves her from where she is, in heaven,” she said. [Radio Free Asia]

This ought to be a scandal, and would be if the Human Rights Industry had not lost all moral perspective. I’d be happy to see the way China treats refugees and their children get even half the attention devoted to the “rights” of a mass-murdering abortion poster child like Khalid Sheik Mohammad.

Until the 2008 Olympics, one could credibly argue that time and trade would gradually moderate China’s brutality. The opposite has proven to be true, and China is clearly migrating toward a fascist and nationalist model of government. To wish this regime well in spite of its determined resistance to reform or openness — and in spite of its proliferation of oppression to North Korea, Sudan, Burma, Zimbabwe, and Iran — is to yearn for a future in which a greater share of humanity will be subject to torture and slavery. There are, of course, plenty of outspoken advocates for the slavery of everyone but themselves, but such a view is inherently conceited, selfish, and contemptuous of the majority of humanity implicitly deemed unfit to live and speak freely. But the majority of the Chinese people deserve a real, accountable government, not a cabal of unelected thugs who treat children like this.

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