The Telegraph Credits OFK

Thanks to commenter Ut videam, who notes that the Daily Telegraph is now crediting OFK for the four images in question, and even added some nice links. I want to publicly thank the Telegraph for doing the right thing, crediting this site, and for taking the extra step of inserting the links and the complimentary words.

To all of the readers who wrote to the Telegraph, or who put up supportive blog posts or comments, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Kushibo, Sonagi, Sean Woo, David Wooley, J. Wibble, HJH, and everyone else.

Above all, I want to thank the Telegraph for showing interest in Camp 22 at all, and informing its readers about atrocities that are paradoxically both massive in scale and widely ignored.

That’s all I have until this evening. Later, I’ll have a much longer post as I try to chew through what yesterday’s Korean election did (or didn’t) mean.

Update: The Telegraph’s Pictures Editor writes:


Thank you for your letter concerning the images of North Korea. I tried calling you but was unsuccessful – the line seemed to be down. We should of course have credited you for the pictures. Please accept my apologies for our error in not doing this. We have now rectified this; as to your instructions we have amended the captions and copyright attributing the images to One Free Korea/Google with a link in the caption that will direct users to your site.

Would you please let me know what else you require us to do to resolve this matter.

I consider the matter resolved and thank the Telegraph for its prompt and fair resolution of this matter. This entire issue has been a distraction from the real issue, which is the people who suffer in those camps.