Anju, April 4, 2012

FAIR AND BALANCED! See? The Associated Press doesn’t only fawn over mass-murdering despots, it’s capable of fawning over elected leaders, too — just slightly less enthusiastically.


WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR Hugh Restall thinks we should shoot down North Korea’s missile. Had you asked me about this before March 26, 2010, I’ve have been categorically opposed. Now, I incline to the view that we need to demonstrate that we have limits, and this would not cross the line into a direct strike against North Korean soil, which I still think would be a big mistake. Want an even better idea? Let the South Koreans shoot the damn thing down, and then we can sell them some even niftier replacements.


SO THEY’RE ALREADY WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: “This month’s long-range rocket launch will cost North Korea some US$850 million, the equivalent of feeding 19 million people for one year, intelligence authorities in Seoul estimated Monday.” Love the messaging, but I have to wonder how long after South Korea’s next election it will last. Hat tip: GI Korea.


WE ARE ALL NEOCONS: You’ll never guess who now thinks we should “be tough on” the North Koreans and “not resume the food aid.”


HE’S NOT A ROCKET SCIENTIST HIMSELF, OF COURSE: “Kim failed natural sciences with 3.5 out of 6, and obtained a just minimum passing score of four for mathematics, culture and society and German.”