Conference on North Korean political prison camps and refugees, this Friday in Los Angeles

This Friday, the Museum of Tolerance, in cooperation with the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Liberty in North Korea and the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, will host a conference on human rights in North Korea.

According to the agenda flyer, which you can see at this link, “The event will conclude with a book signing by Melanie Kirkpatrick (author of Escape from North Korea, The Untold Story of Asia’s Underground Railroad), Blaine Harden (author of Escape from Camp 14), and Shin Dong-hyuk (the hero of Escape from Camp 14).”

For my own part, I’m hoping that sometime this week, at least one of the imagery companies I’ve contacted will be able to come up with new imagery of Camp 22, which might partially corroborate some of the hideous things we’ve heard about the closure of the camp and the liquidation of its population last week. My deepest appreciation to those of you who reached out and offered funding to help with this project.