Open Sources, February 14, 2014

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SOUTH KOREA’S NATIONAL ASSEMBLY STILL HASN’T MOVED on a North Korean human rights law, although I expect that next’s week’s release of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry report will likely put pressure to the Democratic Party to stop trying to turn it into the Kim Jong Un Recreational Facility Stimulus Act. The Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights is adding some pressure of its own, by demonstrating at the National Assembly building in Yeoido.

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U.N.: Cuba’s MiG shipment to North Korea violated sanctions resolution.

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DON KIRK on Donald Gregg’s visit to North Korea, and his increasingly bizarre statements of support for the regime’s positions:

In recent years, the North has said it needs its nuclear stockpile for defense against the U.S. And, unbelievably, I’ve heard Donald Gregg repeating this argument to justify the North’s nuclear program while also questioning, seriously, if it was a North Korean torpedo that sank the Cheonan nearly four years ago.

All of which is not to say, good luck, Ambassador Gregg. Let’s hope this time you’ve talked your North Korean friends into behaving nicely toward the U.S. and South Korea no matter what they’re doing to their own people. [World Tribune]

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NORTH KOREA IS STILL ASSISTING SYRIA’s ballistic missile program.

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KENNETH BAE IS FINALLY GETTING the right kind of attention from the news media.