Dispatches from a Political Struggle

Andy Jackson, as seen on (Swedish) TV, continues his excellent blogging of events surrounding the Freedom House Conference over at his own blog. Although LiNK seems to have stolen the initiative from the Red Guards–as Adrian Hong’s confrontation with one of their sullen leaders illustrates–Andy’s objective analysis has some criticisms of how they’re organizing their organizers. Andy also has some excellent advice on how to treat the riot police when they show up. I emphatically echo his recommendation to invite them in, rather than the confoundingly stupid use of gratuitous street violence. Great pics on both posts, too!

The Red Guards have had decades to infiltrate the campuses and spread their roots widely in their soil. The simple fact of their success at promoting the planet’s most ruthless, tyrannical, and fatally inefficient system of government is testimony to that. It will take some exceptional elan to challenge the radical left’s domination of South Korean student politics.