Category: Humor/Satire

The Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Heard

“Our interest is a stable North Korea.” — Bill Richardson They sell uranium to Libya, sell  missiles to Iran and Syria, renounce or violate every agreement they make, kill “impure” babies, gas kids, put the handicapped in concentration camps, and intentionally starve millions of their people.  And we want  them to be able  to go on doing that?  My idea of our interests obviously differs from Bill Richardson’s.  The North Koreans have fooled him so many times, he’s obviously beyond...

Great Moments in Diplomacy: N. Korea Wants Japan Kicked Out of Six-Party Talks

Something tells me that we haven’t reached a fundamental change in North Korea’s negotiating attitude. North Korea said Saturday it wants Japan out of six-party disarmament talks, calling officials in Tokyo “political imbeciles” for saying they will not accept Pyongyang as a nuclear power. …. A statement from North Korea’s Foreign Ministry on Saturday said “there is no need for Japan to participate in (the talks) as a local delegate because it is no more than a state of the...

Kerry’s Website: ‘Right Either Way’

Screenshot here.  This, to me, is the money quote: Although there are plenty of well-educated people in our armed forces — Kerry was one of them — military service has long been an opportunity for those with less education and fewer skills than they need to work in the private sector.  Indeed, the military sells itself as a place to garner skills and to help pay for higher education. Ah shore m glad i kud git out of souf dakota...

Someone Please Staple Kim Geun-Tae’s Lips Together

This is an act that damages our national pride and is not appropriate for the South Korea-U.S. alliance.” — Kim Geun Tae, head of S. Korea’s ruling party and North Korea’s favorite dancing piggy, on hearing that the United States actually intends to implement U.N. Security Council Resolution 1718. When I worried aloud that the United States would ease sanctions on North Korea during the pendency of the next round of endless, pointless six-party extortion denuclearization talks, I based my...

Nuclear Blackmail

Update:   A couple  of delightfully  subtle KCNA  quotes: “If South Korea joins  the PSI,  it will pay.” “South Korea, if you want to have security, trust in those who share your blood.” And spill it. “If the South Korean authorities end up joining U.S.-led moves to sanction and stifle (the North) we will regard it as a declaration of confrontation against its own people … and take corresponding measures,” the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland...

The Death of an Alliance, Part 56

At the end of this post, there is big news, but  if I told you now, I couldn’t wring the last full measure of absurdity out of  it.  So please stick with me here.  I have  accused the South Korean government of promoting anti-Americanism.  When I do, I speak of things like  this: The chief presidential secretary for security Song Min-soon on Wednesday said South Korea would be the greatest victim in a war on the peninsula due to the...

The Death of an Alliance, Part 55: South Korea’s Ruling Party Blames America for North Korea’s Nukes

Update 10/15:   Correction — according to a newer poll, 43% of South Koreans are retarded. – If you also watched the new “South Park” episode last night, you may still be laughing about it. I still am. It dealt with 9-11 conspiracy theories, and naturally, Eric Cartman acted as the surrogate for all that is irrational, prejudiced, and nasty (Kyle was the scapegoat, of course). I won’t spoil any of the plot twists, but there’s a scene in the...

TV Ad Satirizes Albright and Kim Jong Il

I’d seen it on TV this morning and tried to post something about  it, but it took Richardson to actually find the ad  (link to video), which the Republicans decided not to use for fear of giving offense.    Not exactly Bush=Hitler stuff, really, but very funny.  I hope it gets good circulation on the net, and let’s especially hope that Albright issues some terse and snippy statement, which will really give this thing  legs.  

Everybody Riot!

This week, U.S. forces picked up or put down (I use the term in the veterinary sense) 20 members of an al-Qaeda cell in Baghdad.  It’s always unfortunate when terrorists choose to take shelter in civilian neighborhoods; worse yet when some inhabitants choose to shelter them, thus endangering their families and their neighbors.  As a consequence, a woman and child who didn’t have to die, died.  Observe the reaction of some: Angry men at the scene held up a color...

Operation Ieodo Freedom© Begins!

You have got to be kidding me. This is Ieodo? It’s not even an island. Stll, the big, bold “Ieodo Korea” is a nice touch, and if that’s not enough to preserve Korea’s territorial integrity (such as it is), those crack VANK commandoes launched a bold pre-dawn raid — on the “Suyan Rock” Wikipedia page — and overwhelmed the sleeping red hordes to seize control of the smoldering, pock-marked moonscape that remains. According to that same Wiki page, Ieodo is...

Anti-Americanism Goes Freudian

This post by the Marmot is a must-read. As represented by USFK’s illegal release of formaldehyde into the Han River, the tragedy on the Korean Peninsula began with the unclean sperm of the United States fertilizing the egg of the Han River. The monster’s outrages and its eating of people shows the similar tyranny displayed by the United States toward the Korean Peninsula. Let me see if I can find just the right words for my reaction to this:

Kim Dae Jung: Neocons Made Up N. Korean Nuke Crisis

[Updated for your pleasure, and here’s one back at the Marmot, who has much more.] It’s a ruthless totalitarian regime with a history of selling WMD’s to terrorist backers, and its state ideology revels in violence against America. And if the fact that they have a few nukes worries you, it’s obviously all in your head, says ex-South Korean Prez and Nobel prize winner Kim Dae Jung: “How North Korea will do with its missiles and nuclear weapons… Those will...

One Man’s Freedom Fighter…

“Congratulations! You are in a cage, Saddam,” witness Ghafour Hassan Abdullah said as he stared at the ousted president. Saddam listened silently but lost his temper when a lawyer described Iraqi Kurdish rebels as freedom fighters. “You are agents of Iran and Zionism! We will crush your heads!” he shouted. We will crush your heads! Remind you of anyone? Incidentally, none of my trials featured exchanges like that. Meanwhile, Havana, Cuba is hosting a summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, the...

For My Next Act, I Shall Balance Four Whales on One Shrimp!

Roh Moo Hyun thinks his neighborhood needs a regional “multilateral security framework:” Roh […] emphasized that the European experience can be useful in coping with pending issues surrounding the Korean Peninsula. He said challenges confronting Northeast Asia include lingering Cold War-like tensions, concerns over the spread of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and environmental protection. He also said there are uncertainties on the possible realignment of power among Northeast Asian actors. “The European system that laid the foundation for the...