Category: Miscellaneous

Open Sources, October 5, 2012

WHILE 30,000 STARVED IN CAMP 22: Saenuri Party lawmaker Yoon Sang-hyun, a member of the National Assembly`s foreign affairs, trade and unification committee, released Wednesday an analysis of closed trade data between North Korea and China, saying the North`s imports of luxury goods via Chinese customs reached 446.17 million U.S. dollars in 2010 and 584.82 million dollars last year. The figure was 272.14 million dollars in 2008 and 322.53 million dollars in 2009. Kim Jong Un debuted in the Stalinist...

Open Sources, October 4, 2012

YAWN:  North Korea goes to the U.N., an organization it ought to have been expelled from a decade ago, and threatens nuclear war. ———————————————- IN IRAN, JOURNALISM IMITATES PARODY, but we’ve known the same about North Korea for a while now, haven’t we? ———————————————- DEATH STAR INDEED:  The Daily Mail piles on the empty shell that is the Ryugyong Hotel.  If the reports about Camp 22’s liquidation are correct, the regime was choosing to starve the prisoners at the same time it was also choosing...

North Korean Reform Watch 7

BURIED WITHIN THIS DAILY NK REPORT about the rumored merger of multiple regime-owned businesses was this dire statement: “At the time of writing, the price of rice has reached an outlandish 6700 won/kg even in Pyongyang itself, while also arriving at 7000 won in Onsung County and 6500 won in Hyesan, putting those people without foreign currency in a very difficult situation.” It’s remarkable how similar the Pyongyang price is to the prices in Onsung and Hyesan, two of North...

Open Sources: October 1, 2012

STEPHAN HAGGARD REVIEWS MELANIE KIRKPATRICK’S “ESCAPE FROM NORTH KOREA:” Haggard’s intellectual honesty holds my respect despite all we disagree about, but when he points out that Kirkpatrick has little “patience for engagement,” and considering the results engagement has achieved over the last two decades, it’s not Kirkpatrick’s views that are really questionable on that point. My own views on Kirkpatrick’s book ought to be suspect, too: once you’ve read the Title of Chapter 17 you’ll see that how hard it’s...

North Korean human rights film festival in Seoul

?? ????? ???????.   NKnet’s second North Korean Human Rights International Film Festival in Seoul on September 20-21, 2012. There will be new films, documentaries, animation, and commercially made films. This year’s films are from South Korea, Japan, and the US, and the festival’s themes are: • Journey To Freedom & Human Rights (Refugees) / ??? ??? ?? ?? (??? ??) • Those Who Have Not Returned (Abductees) / ???? ?? ??? (???) • Get Rid of the Barbed Wire (Political...

House will hold hearing on N. Korea human rights this morning

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission (TLHRC) Hearing  North Korea: Ongoing Human Rights Violations in an Era of Change Wednesday, September 19, 2012 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM 340 Cannon House Office Building Please join the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for a hearing on the status of human rights in North Korea. Following the death of Kim Jong-Il, his son, Kim Jong-Un, has taken over as the leader of North Korea.  Despite the transition of power, a majority of North Korean...

Open Sources, September 19, 2012

MELANIE KIRKPATRICK’S BOOK ABOUT NORTH KOREAN REFUGEES is out, and while I doubt I’ll have time to read it for weeks (if not months), John Bolton has published a review here, at National Review. Not only does the ludicrously named Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) continue its nuclear-weapons and ballistic-missile programs unchecked, but the oppression and misery of its citizens remain unequalled. Not even Kim Jong Un’s recent hereditary accession to power as his family’s third Communist dictator has caused serious...

Open Sources, 17 September 2012

NORTH KOREAN REFORM WATCH, PART I: Marcus Noland writes that inflation has risen sharply, and that “macroeconomic instability” has returned to North Korea: Recent anecdotal reports of price changes conveyed in both press reports and in private communications from travelers returning from North Korea suggest a surge in inflation. Simple calculations suggest that the value of the won may have depreciated at an annualized rate of 200 percent or more over the past 6 months, with some evidence of an...

Heads in the Sand (Updated: Gov’t “Invites” Filmmaker to Midnight Interrogation on Questionable Grounds)

It seems odd that almost none of the news services reporting on the Cairo and Benghazi attacks are mentioning that they were carried out on 9/11 by affiliates or sympathizers of Al Qaeda. The flag the Egyptian demonstrators raised over our embassy was Al Qaeda’s flag, and Ayman Zawahiri’s “reformed” brother was one of leaders of the mob. Now, I don’t think there’s much this administration could or should have done to prevent the overthrow of Mubarak, and I still...

Open Sources, 11 September 2012

LEVI AMMUNDSEN IS BIKING ACROSS NORTH AMERICA to raise awareness about human rights in North Korea. Ammundsen attributes his inspiration to Blaine Harden’s “Escape from Camp 14.” —————————————— MICHAEL TOTTEN watches the ascendancy of the Salafists from Syria’s formerly non-violent, pro-democratic protest movement and concludes, “I’d like to sketch a plausible endgame for Syria that isn’t horrifying, but it gets harder and harder each month.” I’d add that the longer it takes us to identify and empower the least offensive...

Light Blogging for a While

THE OTHER PARTS OF MY LIFE HAVE CROWDED OUT the part I don’t get paid to do recently. Sorry – that might continue for a while longer. —————————————————— NORTH KOREA, WHICH WAS REMOVED from the list of state sponsors of terrorism on October 11, 2008, is targeting South Korea-based human rights activists for assassination. —————————————————— AN INTERESTING EPILOGUE to a Chinese investor’s criticism of North Korea. —————————————————— MORE ASMA CRAP about Ri Sol Ju: “Just days after triggering a debate...

Syria the Model

Before I go any further, let me clear the air about something. Back on the First of July, after reading this New York Times story, among others, I wrote that “if these new reports are correct, I see little to criticize in President Obama’s current Syria policy.” Unfortunately, most evidence now suggests that those reports were wrong, even allowing for what ordinary citizens don’t know about CIA activities in Syria. Whatever support we’re giving the Free Syrian Army is modest...

Open Sources, August 26, 2012

ON THURSDAY, I HAD DINNER WITH ANDREI LANKOV, which gave me the opportunity to rib him personally about his statement that Mickey Mouse shows “are by no means trivial.”  We don’t agree about that, but as usual, we found plenty of other things to agree about.  For one, we agreed that the food supply is a significant tool of control, so significant agricultural reforms would be meaningful to the North Korean people (we agreed to wait until spring to see what evidence...

Open Sources, August 21, 2012

SO PARK GEUN-HYE HAS WON THE NOMINATION, as we knew she would all along. I wish Ms. Park the best of luck. This isn’t because I’m an especially great fan; Ms. Park has shown an authoritarian mindset and a lack of vision about achieving unification, as opposed to maintaining deterrence. It’s because Ms. Park is smart, tough, and would be an effective executive if — if — she can resist the temptation to overreach, and because the alternatives are so...

Open Sources, August 20, 2012

SMILES! SMILES, EVERYONE! You’re on Fantasy Island! ————————————————– DEATH OF AN ALLIANCE? Regular readers know I haven’t been fond of keeping U.S. ground forces in South Korea since I was a part of that force a decade ago. If anything has cooled my ardor for winding down U.S. military welfare for one of the world’s wealthiest nations, it has been the understanding that we shouldn’t punish the leaders of a government who act like allies at least part of the...

Open Sources, August 15, 2012

WHEN I WAS A KID, I LOVED HIKING IN THE DESERT.  I remember seeing those great pools of blue water on scorching July days and thinking of how good the water would taste and feel, especially as I watched them recede and vanish as I got closer to them.  North Korea watching is another vocation where sensible folk must train themselves not to chase mirages: Many of the changes appear purely symbolic at first glance ? like, for instance, the...

Open Sources, August 9, 2012

I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE THIS: An underground, democratic movement is active inside North Korea, a human rights advocate claimed Monday, surprising many observers skeptical that any organized opposition could exist in one of the world’s most secretive, totalitarian states. Kim Young-hwan said he and three other South Korean activists were arrested in Dandong, China, near the North Korean border, on March 29 after they met with North Korean dissidents who had slipped into China. The North Koreans were later deported...

Open Sources, August 7, 2012

NORTH KOREA THREATENS TO ‘PUNISH’ DEFECTORS and activists beyond its borders for criticizing its regime.  While I’ll tip my hat to the Chosun Ilbo for this one, I prefer KCNA’s original prose: In case the DPRK’s just demands are not met, there will follow corresponding measures including punishment of criminals involved in monstrous terrorism and other subversive and sabotage acts against the DPRK and the operations to lure and abduct its citizens. We declare that among the targets to be...