Category: Uncategorized

Like I Said . . . Fascist Tools

So what was I-just-saying? This was in my in-box from Norbert Vollertsen and Douglas Shin today: FOUR SK PARLIAMENTARIANS FROM THE OPPOSITION PARTY WERE TO SPEAK ON NK HUMAN RIGHTS AND NK REFUGEES AT A FIVE-STAR HOTEL MEETING ROOM IN BEIJING. (See the bottom for press head-up.) Before 2PM, several men in plainclothes demanded that the press conference be stopped as it did not receive [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] approval. They refused to identify themselves. Right after Rep. Kim Moon-soo...

Korean Medical Association in Aceh

Dr. Norbert Vollertsen, who is volunteering his services to help the Acehnese as part of the Korean Medical Association contingent, writes to update us on his activities. He includes contact info if you want to assist or donate–and he has pictures! Hope they won’t crash my site, but here goes: Contact info of Korean Medical Association relief team in Banda-Aceh/Jakarta whom Dr. V is with: +82 11 792 6908 (mobile roamed from Korea) (Maybe +62) (0)868-1212-7826 (satellite phone) Ms. Yoon...

Message from Rev. Douglas Shin

Rev. Shin e-mailed today to announce a press conference in Beijing(!): Four SK parliamentarians from the opposition party will be speaking on NK human rights and NK refugees Time: 2 PM, Wednesday, January 12, 2005 Place: Hibiscus Room (2nd Fl.), Great Wall Sheraton Hotel By Reps. Kim Moon-Soo, Choi Byung-Gook, Bae Il-Do, and Park Seung-Hwan (All from Grand National Party) Subject matter: Yanji trip (Mon-Tue), SK Consulate visit to talk to more than 100 NK refugees there (Wed), and Weifang...

Korean Medical Association in Aceh

Dr. Norbert Vollertsen, who is volunteering his services to help the Acehnese as part of the Korean Medical Association contingent, writes to update us on his activities. He includes contact info if you want to assist or donate–and he has pictures! Hope they won’t crash my site, but here goes: Contact info of Korean Medical Association relief team in Banda-Aceh/Jakarta whom Dr. V is with: +82 11 792 6908 (mobile roamed from Korea) (Maybe +62) (0)868-1212-7826 (satellite phone) Ms. Yoon...

Message from Rev. Douglas Shin

Rev. Shin e-mailed today to announce a press conference in Beijing(!): Four SK parliamentarians from the opposition party will be speaking on NK human rights and NK refugees Time: 2 PM, Wednesday, January 12, 2005 Place: Hibiscus Room (2nd Fl.), Great Wall Sheraton Hotel By Reps. Kim Moon-Soo, Choi Byung-Gook, Bae Il-Do, and Park Seung-Hwan (All from Grand National Party) Subject matter: Yanji trip (Mon-Tue), SK Consulate visit to talk to more than 100 NK refugees there (Wed), and Weifang...


Traffic has quadrupled at this site in the last few days (yesterday was an all-time high, thanks!)which may explain why the site is loading so slowly. A commenter gently chides me that it’s probably because I’ve posted to so many images from other low-bandwidth sites–the ones that are sucking up the bandwidth are from the KFA, thus ending the ethical dilemna–so I’ll see if changing them to links will improve matters. Unfortunately, blogger won’t even let me get into the...


Amnesty for Kim Jong Il? I wholeheartedly endorse the Marmot’s response to Prof. Andrei Lankov’s proposal to offer Kim Jong Il amnesty. The promise, of course, would be illusory even if it were advisable to throw away the deterrent value of a potential prosecution, even if that value may pale in comparison to the countervailing deterrent of the lynch mob he most fears. In a sense, the reasoning mirrors the debate on giving terrorists full POW status, something to which...


New Link to the Video from North Korea: Readers have said that the link to the recent video smuggled out of North Korea no longer works. Try this, and please drop a comment to let me know if it works. UPDATE: OK, this works. Hat tip: Chris at Chris seems to have taken my pleas to heart; he’s blogging again, at least sporadically. No man has ever put anything online that Chris can’t get to and preserve on some...


Unmitigated Chutzpah: The South Korean government, which needs constant reassurance about the USFK’s monogamous dedication to Korea’s defense but unfailingly demands that U.S. taxpayers carry as much of the USFK’s cost as possible, is secretly cutting back its own military manpower. So much for the howls that the recent USFK withdrawal would create a window of vulnerability. Where, then, are Seoul’s highest budget priorities? If you’re a regular reader, you probably need read no further, but . . . South...


Traffic has quadrupled at this site in the last few days (yesterday was an all-time high, thanks!)which may explain why the site is loading so slowly. A commenter gently chides me that it’s probably because I’ve posted to so many images from other low-bandwidth sites–the ones that are sucking up the bandwidth are from the KFA, thus ending the ethical dilemna–so I’ll see if changing them to links will improve matters. Unfortunately, blogger won’t even let me get into the...


Amnesty for Kim Jong Il? I wholeheartedly endorse the Marmot’s response to Prof. Andrei Lankov’s proposal to offer Kim Jong Il amnesty. The promise, of course, would be illusory even if it were advisable to throw away the deterrent value of a potential prosecution, even if that value may pale in comparison to the countervailing deterrent of the lynch mob he most fears. In a sense, the reasoning mirrors the debate on giving terrorists full POW status, something to which...