Category: Uncategorized

Predatory Republic of China

If you had any doubts about China’s agenda for using North Korea at the expense of Taiwan’s independence and Hong Kong’s freedom, this transparent bit of extortion ought to remove all doubt. “The important thing is for the United States to honor its commitments,” [the Chinese Embassy’s spokesman] said, calling the situation across the Taiwan Strait “severely tested.” Otherwise, he warned, it would harm bilateral relations and affect China’s cooperation on such issues as the North Korean nuclear crisis. Indeed,...

About That Sunshine Dividend . . .

One wonders how Roh will try to deny this unpleasant reality—what looks a lot like a North Korean hacker cell based in China is spying on Seoul. The Chosun doesn’t jump to that conclusion, which seems responsible enough, but the fact that the hackers are well-organized Korean-speakers certainly suggests it. North Korea is notorious for extorting cooperation out of Japanese-Koreans using their family members in the North. All the easier with the ethnic Korean population in China. On the other...

How Unknowables Become Mantras in an Election Year

Even if you only have time to read a few choice portions, take a few minutes to actually read the Senate Intel Committee’s report on pre-Iraq intel for yourself. Then compare it the way “news” stories filter it. William Safire—a columnist, not a reporter—does the best job of analyzing its meaning. Most importantly, he preserves the integrity of his logic by admitting the unknowables, of which there are many when you’re dealing with secretive regimes, shadowy terrorists, and their deepest...

The Bag-Man

Kofi Annan’s own office signed off on dozens of oil-for-food contracts that patently hadn’t the slightest thing to do with food. This is what the U.N. is reduced to—a bagman for the corruption of the entire world. What else can you say about deals in which crooked members of the U.N.’s board of directors sell tyrants the blessing of legitimacy, a license to violate every principle embodied here? At least Enron didn’t claim the moral authority to pass resolutions. You...

Predatory Republic of China

If you had any doubts about China’s agenda for using North Korea at the expense of Taiwan’s independence and Hong Kong’s freedom, this transparent bit of extortion ought to remove all doubt. “The important thing is for the United States to honor its commitments,” [the Chinese Embassy’s spokesman] said, calling the situation across the Taiwan Strait “severely tested.” Otherwise, he warned, it would harm bilateral relations and affect China’s cooperation on such issues as the North Korean nuclear crisis. Indeed,...

Liberation Through Litigation

For a law that’s seen so much action before the Supreme Court recently, the isn’t a very long read: The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States. I consider myself a capitalist, which means I believe in free markets, including free labor markets where people can quit, form unions, strike, and demand better pay and...

Liberation Through Litigation

For a law that’s seen so much action before the Supreme Court recently, the isn’t a very long read: The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States. I consider myself a capitalist, which means I believe in free markets, including free labor markets where people can quit, form unions, strike, and demand better pay and...

Regulating Public Opinion

The nanny state is now hinting that it will turn its benevolent eye toward restricting anti-Americanism, now that it’s showing signs of being bad for business. I’m all for the government outlawing discrimination or speaking out against racism, but of course, that might involve holding up a mirror before people at their ugliest, curbing the enshrined superiority of the Korean minjok, and giving away a valuable election-year asset. Instead, the South Koreans’ real goal is merely to keep anti-Americanism out...

Regulating Public Opinion

The nanny state is now hinting that it will turn its benevolent eye toward restricting anti-Americanism, now that it’s showing signs of being bad for business. I’m all for the government outlawing discrimination or speaking out against racism, but of course, that might involve holding up a mirror before people at their ugliest, curbing the enshrined superiority of the Korean minjok, and giving away a valuable election-year asset. Instead, the South Koreans’ real goal is merely to keep anti-Americanism out...