Category: Uncategorized

(De)Nile River Flows Through South Korea–Who Knew?

Today, the Korea Times carried this story; a popular South Korean actress is embarking on a guided tour of North Korea, complete with state chaperones–sorry, journalists. The subject of this prop-a-mentary? North Korean food. Once you can watch the North Korean government talk about cooking skills with a straight face, you have officially been swept away by the currents of denial. So while South Korea gulps down more of North Korea’s Kool-Aid about the bounty of North Korea’s feast, four...

A Crackpot Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream

My main site is still one of the first to accuse North Korea of falsely declaring a famine to cover up its political cleansing of its own population. Others are now joining in this stunning conclusion. Amnesty International is now accusing North Korea of depriving those in the “wavering” and “hostile” classes of food. Those caught stealing food are shot in front of schoolchildren. It’s a chilling read, but not a new tactic. Stalin killed ten million unwanted people the...

Guess Chosun Ilbo Won’t Print This One!

The Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s largest newspaper, has gone out of the business of printing angry letters from angry Americans–that much is apparent if you scroll through its “letters” page. In spite of the paper’s “conservative” reputation, it has not gone out of the business of printing columns taking unfair digs against the United States. This column by Kim Dae-Joong (similar name, different guy, no relation) blames the breakdown in the U.S.-Korea relationship on American “callousness.” I served three tours...

A Crackpot Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream

My main site is still one of the first to accuse North Korea of falsely declaring a famine to cover up its political cleansing of its own population. Others are now joining in this stunning conclusion. Amnesty International is now accusing North Korea of depriving those in the “wavering” and “hostile” classes of food. Those caught stealing food are shot in front of schoolchildren. It’s a chilling read, but not a new tactic. Stalin killed ten million unwanted people the...

Guess Chosun Ilbo Won’t Print This One!

The Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s largest newspaper, has gone out of the business of printing angry letters from angry Americans–that much is apparent if you scroll through its “letters” page. In spite of the paper’s “conservative” reputation, it has not gone out of the business of printing columns taking unfair digs against the United States. This column by Kim Dae-Joong (similar name, different guy, no relation) blames the breakdown in the U.S.-Korea relationship on American “callousness.” I served three tours...

Guess Chosun Ilbo Won’t Print This One!

The Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s largest newspaper, has gone out of the business of printing angry letters from angry Americans–that much is apparent if you scroll through its “letters” page. In spite of the paper’s “conservative” reputation, it has not gone out of the business of printing columns taking unfair digs against the United States. This column by Kim Dae-Joong (similar name, different guy, no relation) blames the breakdown in the U.S.-Korea relationship on American “callousness.” I served three tours...

North Korean Human Rights Symposium

북한인권 왜 중요한가? 의미가 무엇인가? 어떻게 북한 인권상황을 개선할수 있을것인가 북한 인권에 관한 êµ­ì œ 심포지엄 11ì›”27일 (토) 9:30- 16:30 연세대학교 새천년관(국제학대학원)대강당 참가신청 및 문의 02-732-6710 알림 링크LiNK (Liberation in North Korea)와 남북자유민주청년회는 “˜ë¶í•œ 인권에 관한국제 심포지엄’을주최하며, 한국의시민단체와대학생들을초청합니다. 이번 행사는 27일하루동안에 북한문제를 전문적으로연구하는 전문가들,북한의 상황에 관심이있는 운동가, 그리고북한 정치범 수용소출신 탈북자들과북한, 남한, 미국, 중국유학생 등을초청하여 발표와토론의 형식으로진행됩니다. 이번 행사의참여단체로는세계시민기구,정토회, 좋은벗들,북한인권시민연합,북한인권정보센터,북한민주화운동본부와 “˜í‰í™”포럼’ 등이있습니다. 세부계획 10:30 기조 연설: 곽영훈평화 운동가/수석건축가- 서울 올림픽공원, 올림픽 경기장,올림픽 평화의 불, DMZ 통일평화시 설계 Part I: 북한...

Colder Weather Gathers Over Washington

(continued from here) The event, held at the Dirksen Senate Office Building, was modestly attended by about fifty people, mostly NGO representatives, activists, and Korean media types. It began with a screening of Seoul Train, which documents the efforts of North Korean refugees to escape to South Korea through China, despite the constant risk of being caught and sent back to the North Korean gulags, where they could face starvation, torture, forced abortion, infanticide, or even summary execution. The WG...

LiNK Press Release

On Friday, November 12th at 2:00 pm EST leading human rights groups for North Korea will rally in New York City and Los Angeles in front of the permanent Chinese mission to the UN and the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles, at the second rally in two weeks organized by Liberation in North Korea (LiNK). They will be protesting China’s arrest and repatriation of 70 North Korean refugees, 62 who were arrested on October 26 at safe houses near Beijing,...

Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers of Chinese Officials

Chinese U.N. Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Wang Yingfan Deputy Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Zhang Yishan Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations 350 East 35th Street New York, NY 10016 Telephone:+1 (212) 655-6100 Telefax:+1 (212) 634-7626 E-mail: His Excellency Hu Jintao President of the Peoples’ Republic of China c/o Minister Li Zhaoxing Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2 Chao Yang Men Nan Da Jie Beijing 100701 People’s Republic of China Email: Ambassador Yang Jiechi...

LiNK Press Release (Continued)

Liberation in North Korea (, a nationwide movement that includes several thousand American college students and professionals, will be joined by a coalition of leading American and South Korean organizations to demand China’s release of the 62 North Korean refugees and 2 South Korean activists who were arrested on Oct. 26, 2004 at 4am. These 62 North Korean refugees are in danger of being sent back to North Korea,where they may be executed. These refugees were reportedly planning to seek...

Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers of Chinese Officials

Chinese U.N. Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Wang Yingfan Deputy Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Zhang Yishan Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations 350 East 35th Street New York, NY 10016 Telephone:+1 (212) 655-6100 Telefax:+1 (212) 634-7626 E-mail: His Excellency Hu Jintao President of the Peoples’ Republic of China c/o Minister Li Zhaoxing Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2 Chao Yang Men Nan Da Jie Beijing 100701 People’s Republic of China Email: Ambassador Yang Jiechi...

LiNK Press Release (Continued)

Liberation in North Korea (, a nationwide movement that includes several thousand American college students and professionals, will be joined by a coalition of leading American and South Korean organizations to demand China’s release of the 62 North Korean refugees and 2 South Korean activists who were arrested on Oct. 26, 2004 at 4am. These 62 North Korean refugees are in danger of being sent back to North Korea,where they may be executed. These refugees were reportedly planning to seek...

About This Picture

This NASA low light level image of the Korean peninsula was taken on the  night of  April 15, 2001.  I first saw this image when I was serving with the Army in Korea, and it became popular to put this image,  and perhaps  other similar images  you can find on the  Web, on soldiers’ farewell plaques.  I found this particular  image  here, at the Web site of the left-of-center Federation of American Scientists, after Christopher Hitchens linked it in his...

Vollertsen Interview Part II, On Arirang, Food Aid, and the General Assembly Vote on N. Korean Human Rights

Q: So whatever happened with the planned demonstration at the Arirang Festival? Just nature: The Kashmir earthquake – and some medical emergency call[s] – but maybe the timing will be even better during the APEC summit. Q: What is your latest word on the food situation in North Korea? Kim Jong-Il is using food as a weapon against his own people – there is enough food in North Korea for the elite – there is no need for hunger in...