Oops. Lost my Internet connection all day yesterday. Hope to have some updates soon. Spent much of the morning on the phone with HP technicians in Bombay Mumbai, India. They never like telling you where they are, for some reason, even if it’s painfully obvious that it’s somewhere between Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. Given that Comcast completely failed to deliver (as usual), it was nice to get some effective help finally, even if it took two tries. What does one...


Oops. Lost my Internet connection all day yesterday. Hope to have some updates soon. Spent much of the morning on the phone with HP technicians in Bombay Mumbai, India. They never like telling you where they are, for some reason, even if it’s painfully obvious that it’s somewhere between Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. Given that Comcast completely failed to deliver (as usual), it was nice to get some effective help finally, even if it took two tries. What does one...

Prison Video from North Korea

North Korea’s information blockade continues to leak a steady stream of pixels. This week, a video of prison life in North Korea has emerged. It shows male and female prisoners forced to carry large, heavy logs and sing songs praising Kim Il Sung. Click here to see a menu; the link to the new video is called “MBC-MoosanPrisonCamp;” another file, entitled “North Korea,” shows the previously released video of the street children and the roadside prostitution trial. The usual caution...

Prison Video from North Korea

North Korea’s information blockade continues to leak a steady stream of pixels. This week, a video of prison life in North Korea has emerged. It shows male and female prisoners forced to carry large, heavy logs and sing songs praising Kim Il Sung. Click here to see a menu; the link to the new video is called “MBC-MoosanPrisonCamp;” another file, entitled “North Korea,” shows the previously released video of the street children and the roadside prostitution trial. The usual caution...


If you’re following the diplomatic maneuverings leading up to the next (and possibly, last) round of six-party talks, here’s the latest. Regular readers know that I find the talks useful only to the extent that everyone sees that we’ve shown up and been reasonable, and because it usefully disguises the fact that we probably reached an impasse over the insurmountable issues of inspection and verification many months ago. Of course, even keeping up appearances is of little use when China...

Would This Qualify as “Soft Power?”

Would thisMaybe I should just stop there, and that goes for you, too. Umm, this is a hoax, right? But you absolutely must see this to believe it’s actually a story on BBC.com. UPDATE: I heard on television (can’t find a link, sorry) that this idea never went further than the back of a bar napkin and somehow got just as far as a cursory description in a Pentagon report. Based on early descriptions of this, the BBC reported that...

Beijing Four© Update II

Well, in retrospect, it may have been a mistake for China to piss these guys off. The folks at Reporters Without Borders are journalists who advocate for other journalists, which means that if you mess with them, they’re going to smear you with a lot of very black ink. That’s exactly what’s happening: Washington Post L.A. Times Washington Times New York Times I especially recommend the WaPo story. The lesson? If you really want to give someone a royal P.R....

Update from Dr. Vollertsen

Here’s the latest message from Norbert with the Korean Medical Association volunteers in Aceh, Indonesia. Scroll down for previous entries and information about Dr. Vollertsen’s sometimes controversial (and in my view, effective) activism for human rights in North Korea. You can see more on the Korean team’s activities here and here. The second KEMAT left Jakarta on a Garuda Indonesia flight at 7:30 this morning and arrived at Banda Aceh airport at 11 AM. It looks like the air-transportation bottleneck...


If you’re following the diplomatic maneuverings leading up to the next (and possibly, last) round of six-party talks, here’s the latest. Regular readers know that I find the talks useful only to the extent that everyone sees that we’ve shown up and been reasonable, and because it usefully disguises the fact that we probably reached an impasse over the insurmountable issues of inspection and verification many months ago. Of course, even keeping up appearances is of little use when China...

Would This Qualify as “Soft Power?”

Would thisMaybe I should just stop there, and that goes for you, too. Umm, this is a hoax, right? But you absolutely must see this to believe it’s actually a story on BBC.com. UPDATE: I heard on television (can’t find a link, sorry) that this idea never went further than the back of a bar napkin and somehow got just as far as a cursory description in a Pentagon report. Based on early descriptions of this, the BBC reported that...

Would This Qualify as “Soft Power?”

Would thisMaybe I should just stop there, and that goes for you, too. Umm, this is a hoax, right? But you absolutely must see this to believe it’s actually a story on BBC.com. UPDATE: I heard on television (can’t find a link, sorry) that this idea never went further than the back of a bar napkin and somehow got just as far as a cursory description in a Pentagon report. Based on early descriptions of this, the BBC reported that...

Beijing Four© Update II

Well, in retrospect, it may have been a mistake for China to piss these guys off. The folks at Reporters Without Borders are journalists who advocate for other journalists, which means that if you mess with them, they’re going to smear you with a lot of very black ink. That’s exactly what’s happening: Washington Post L.A. Times Washington Times New York Times I especially recommend the WaPo story. The lesson? If you really want to give someone a royal P.R....

Update from Dr. Vollertsen

Here’s the latest message from Norbert with the Korean Medical Association volunteers in Aceh, Indonesia. Scroll down for previous entries and information about Dr. Vollertsen’s sometimes controversial (and in my view, effective) activism for human rights in North Korea. You can see more on the Korean team’s activities here and here. The second KEMAT left Jakarta on a Garuda Indonesia flight at 7:30 this morning and arrived at Banda Aceh airport at 11 AM. It looks like the air-transportation bottleneck...