Search Results for: Stuart

The Great Uri Crackup

First, I strongly recommend Andy Jackson’s district-by-district rundown of this week’s bi-elections at The Marmot’s Hole, although I could summarize by saying that, the Uri and DLP lost everywhere they should have won, and also lost everywhere else. Here’s a breakdown of the composition of the new National Assembly: 144 Uri Party (leftist) 127 Grand National Party (conservative) 11 Democratic Party (fmr. Millenium Democratic Party, center-left) 9 Democratic Labor Party (stark-raving pinkos) 3 United Liberal Democrats 5 Independents ———————————————————————- 150...


Why Do Red-Staters Despise the East Coast Media? Perhaps it has something to do with stories like this one, with their sophisticate condescension crudely disguised as compassion, help to explain: Stuart, named for the Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart, has always sent its sons off to war. On the courthouse lawn, the World War II memorial bears 64 names. The Vietnam War memorial lists seven men who did not come home. High unemployment has caused many of Stuart’s young to seek...


Why Do Red-Staters Despise the East Coast Media? Perhaps it has something to do with stories like this one, with their sophisticate condescension crudely disguised as compassion, help to explain: Stuart, named for the Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart, has always sent its sons off to war. On the courthouse lawn, the World War II memorial bears 64 names. The Vietnam War memorial lists seven men who did not come home. High unemployment has caused many of Stuart’s young to seek...