LiNK Protest Chinese Missions in NY, LA

Just got this press release from LiNK; more info on other activites to follow soon. On Friday, November 12th at 2:00 pm EST leading human rights groups for North Korea will rally in New York City and Los Angeles in front of the permanent Chinese mission to the UN and the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles, at the second rally in two weeks organized by Liberation in North Korea (LiNK). They will be protesting China’s arrest and repatriation of 70...

Japan Aims Both Barrels at North Korea

Just one week after the reelection of President Bush, Japan is moving toward a much harder line that threatens to isolate North Korea economically and South Korea diplomatically. Today’s Yomiuri Shimbun directly quotes Japan’s Foreign Minister threatening to impose sanctions against North Korea: In a meeting with South Korean President Roh Moo Hyun on Saturday in Seoul, Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura suggested he was considering measures to put pressure on North Korea, including economic sanctions, if there was no progress...

More on China’s Refugee Repatriations

The bad press, for what it’s worth, is really rolling down on China for repatriating 62 refugees to North Korea. The BBC prominently covered the story, including this quote: ‘China knows that they will be executed or they will be put in political prisoner camps for the crime of leaving the country,’ said Suzanne Scholte, president of the human rights group the Defense Forum Foundation, on Tuesday. Suzanne was apparently interviewed in Seoul, where she’s currently attending the North Korean...

NY Times on NK Human Rights Act

James Brooke has written the first worthwhile analysis of the NKHRA in a major U.S. newspaper. The context is interesting, too–the first North Korean has entered the U.S. consulate in Vladivostok. The North Koreans rented out to Russia had been a nice little source of income for Kim Jong Il, even serving as a useful cover for North Korean heroin dealing. Today, those workers even dare to tell foreign reporters how much they despise their own government. Now that regime...

Japan Aims Both Barrels at North Korea

Just one week after the reelection of President Bush, Japan is moving toward a much harder line that threatens to isolate North Korea economically and South Korea diplomatically. Today’s Yomiuri Shimbun directly quotes Japan’s Foreign Minister threatening to impose sanctions against North Korea: In a meeting with South Korean President Roh Moo Hyun on Saturday in Seoul, Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura suggested he was considering measures to put pressure on North Korea, including economic sanctions, if there was no progress...

More on China’s Refugee Repatriations

The bad press, for what it’s worth, is really rolling down on China for repatriating 62 refugees to North Korea. The BBC prominently covered the story, including this quote: ‘China knows that they will be executed or they will be put in political prisoner camps for the crime of leaving the country,’ said Suzanne Scholte, president of the human rights group the Defense Forum Foundation, on Tuesday. Suzanne was apparently interviewed in Seoul, where she’s currently attending the North Korean...

More on China’s Refugee Repatriations

The bad press, for what it’s worth, is really rolling down on China for repatriating 62 refugees to North Korea. The BBC prominently covered the story, including this quote: ‘China knows that they will be executed or they will be put in political prisoner camps for the crime of leaving the country,’ said Suzanne Scholte, president of the human rights group the Defense Forum Foundation, on Tuesday. Suzanne was apparently interviewed in Seoul, where she’s currently attending the North Korean...

NY Times on NK Human Rights Act

James Brooke has written the first worthwhile analysis of the NKHRA in a major U.S. newspaper. The context is interesting, too–the first North Korean has entered the U.S. consulate in Vladivostok. The North Koreans rented out to Russia had been a nice little source of income for Kim Jong Il, even serving as a useful cover for North Korean heroin dealing. Today, those workers even dare to tell foreign reporters how much they despise their own government. Now that regime...

China Sends 62 NK Refugees to Certain Death

It’s probably too late to save these people. Just remember them when China talks about its interest in the “stability of the region” and the sanctity of its territory. China has forfeited its moral case for those interests by consigning the North Korean people to a brutal fate. Perhaps they’ll realize this when some North Koreans turn to violence against the Chinese authorities, a result that’s probably inevitable now. China has brought that result on itself by depriving these refugees...

More Evidence of North Korean Resistance?

Barry Briggs has a fascinating post up at NKZone, quoting a reprint of a Der Spiegel article in the New York Times. I’ve long believed that the solution to the North Korean nuclear and humanitarian crises must come in the form of North Koreans themselves terminating the Kim dynasty, whether through a coup, a protracted guerrilla campain, or a combination of both with U.S. support. This article is a tantalizing new piece of evidence to support the fragmentary reports of...

China Sends 62 NK Refugees to Certain Death

It’s probably too late to save these people. Just remember them when China talks about its interest in the “stability of the region” and the sanctity of its territory. China has forfeited its moral case for those interests by consigning the North Korean people to a brutal fate. Perhaps they’ll realize this when some North Koreans turn to violence against the Chinese authorities, a result that’s probably inevitable now. China has brought that result on itself by depriving these refugees...

More Evidence of North Korean Resistance?

Barry Briggs has a fascinating post up at NKZone, quoting a reprint of a Der Spiegel article in the New York Times. I’ve long believed that the solution to the North Korean nuclear and humanitarian crises must come in the form of North Koreans themselves terminating the Kim dynasty, whether through a coup, a protracted guerrilla campain, or a combination of both with U.S. support. This article is a tantalizing new piece of evidence to support the fragmentary reports of...

In Defense of Norbert Vollertsen

[Update, 5/06: Having the benefit of somewhat more knowledge now, I can no longer deny that some of Norbert’s rhetoric and the tactics he seems to advocate go over the line, could endanger unjustifiably endanger people, and could ultimately prove to be counterproductive to the greater cause of helping the North Korean people. I believe Norbert’s heart is in the right place, and hope he will see that many of those he helped inspire — myself included — are prevailing...

North Korean Holocaust Exhibition

NORTH KOREAN HOLOCAUST EXHIBITION NATIONAL ASSEMBLY BUILDING, YOIDO, SEOUL NOVEMBER 8, 9, & 10, 9 a.m. ““ 6 p.m. The North Korean Holocaust Exhibition will include a special Panel Presentations and discussions with North Korean refugees, politicians and human rights activists. The U.S. Defense Forum Foundation, Citizens Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, the Democracy Network Against the North Korean Gulag, and Helping Hands Korea, will Sponsor and moderate panels as part of the North Korea Holocaust Exhibit. Many other...