Search Results for: John Kerry

Slight of Hand

Funny, I seem to recall that last week, this election was a referendum on The War. Now that the results are in, the stealth doves who failed to fool enough of us red-staters to win the election can’t accept our answer. That leaves them spinning furiously to retroactively change the question and blunt the sharp tip of defeat. New party line alert: “It was all about gay marriage, and how Karl Rove used it to get all of us mouth-breathing...

Slight of Hand

Funny, I seem to recall that last week, this election was a referendum on The War. Now that the results are in, the stealth doves who failed to fool enough of us red-staters to win the election can’t accept our answer. That leaves them spinning furiously to retroactively change the question and blunt the sharp tip of defeat. New party line alert: “It was all about gay marriage, and how Karl Rove used it to get all of us mouth-breathing...

Must-Reads in the WSJ and Boston Globe–Remember When North Korea Was Worse Than Iraq?

James Taranto, my favorite blogger, writes “Best of the Web” on the Wall Street Journal’s online op-ed page. Today, he brilliantly played back the words of the North-Korea-is-worse-than-Iraq crowd of a year ago, in the context of the new gas chamber revelations (it starts about two-thirds of the way down the column). As you may recall, one of the arguments proferred against the war in Iraq was that North Korea was worse. One has to question what this has to...

Must-Reads in the WSJ and Boston Globe–Remember When North Korea Was Worse Than Iraq?

James Taranto, my favorite blogger, writes “Best of the Web” on the Wall Street Journal’s online op-ed page. Today, he brilliantly played back the words of the North-Korea-is-worse-than-Iraq crowd of a year ago, in the context of the new gas chamber revelations (it starts about two-thirds of the way down the column). As you may recall, one of the arguments proferred against the war in Iraq was that North Korea was worse. One has to question what this has to...

Must-Reads in the WSJ and Boston Globe–Remember When North Korea Was Worse Than Iraq?

James Taranto, my favorite blogger, writes “Best of the Web” on the Wall Street Journal’s online op-ed page. Today, he brilliantly played back the words of the North-Korea-is-worse-than-Iraq crowd of a year ago, in the context of the new gas chamber revelations (it starts about two-thirds of the way down the column). As you may recall, one of the arguments proferred against the war in Iraq was that North Korea was worse. One has to question what this has to...

Condi Rice and the Tempting Politics of Race

Since the beginning of the Bush Administration, and particularly since the rise of Condi Rice, I have seen a disturbing trend in the rhetoric of conservatives. Many of them have departed from the important principle–though it may be more aspirational than real–that we should be measured by what Martin Luther King Jr. called “the content of our character” rather than the color of our skin. It is tempting to make Condi Rice’s race a part of the discussion about her...

Condi Rice and the Tempting Politics of Race

Since the beginning of the Bush Administration, and particularly since the rise of Condi Rice, I have seen a disturbing trend in the rhetoric of conservatives. Many of them have departed from the important principle–though it may be more aspirational than real–that we should be measured by what Martin Luther King Jr. called “the content of our character” rather than the color of our skin. It is tempting to make Condi Rice’s race a part of the discussion about her...

The Alternative Reality of Christine Ahn

Dave at No Illusions wants to know more about Christine Ahn, the North Korean apologist (and American, as it turns out) whose views OhMyNews found worthy of the extensive interview I linked and fisked below. Even a cursory exploration of Christine Ahn’s views immediately raises questions about the honesty of OhMyNews’s coverage of her, given its failure to disclose that she is an active member in a pro-Pyongyang organization based in Oakland, California. Who Is Christine Ahn? North Korea is...

The Alternative Reality of Christine Ahn

Dave at No Illusions wants to know more about Christine Ahn, the North Korean apologist (and American, as it turns out) whose views OhMyNews found worthy of the extensive interview I linked and fisked below. Even a cursory exploration of Christine Ahn’s views immediately raises questions about the honesty of OhMyNews’s coverage of her, given its failure to disclose that she is an active member in a pro-Pyongyang organization based in Oakland, California. Who Is Christine Ahn? North Korea is...