Freedom House Conference on Video

For you hard core North Korea junkies, reader Brendan Brown went to the Freedom House conference in December and filmed portions of it (for new readers, Brendan is a native of Australia who lives in Seoul and teaches English to North Korean refugees). Our friend at usinkorea then put them all on the web over at his site. I suspect usinkorea is undergoing the same evolution I went through three years ago, when I made a conscious decision to redirect my anger at the treatment of soldiers in South Korea into the more positive direction of helping the people of the North.

As for Brendan, I hope everyone will join me in congratulating him on the upcoming birth of his first second child, wishing that he or she will be born healthy, and (with a bit more luck) born on Australia Day. When looking for that last link, I ran across this amusing news story about Australian beer wenches, which I link for your enjoyment.