Ron Paul denies decades of racist newsletters published in his name; O.J. still hunting for ‘real killer’

Wow.  Ron Paul  is outed as … a wacky,  racist fringe pamphleteer?  Gee, who ever saw that coming

Plus, Paul’s campaign offers what must be the single lamest defense ever:  I really should have paid closer attention to the things people were writing in my name for decades.  But take heart, paulbots.  This could mean real momentum for Lydon RaRouche this year.

This also raises a serious question for the  Republicans.  Some have suggested that Paul  should be coddled to keep him from forming a third-party insurgent campaign (he’d do it anyway) but if Paul’s views really are  as bigoted as this story reports, the Republicans need to put expediency aside and  do what Democrats never did to Robert Byrd and George Wallace:  expel him.   If they don’t, they certainly have no business  bringing up Byrd’s KKK past ever  again.

2 Responses

  1. Thankfully, Paul’s numbers suggest he is not going to win anyway. If the charges are true as the article suggests, he is a huge liability of the GOP indeed. I was listening to Mark Levin yesterday on YouTube, and he seems to have gotten tired of the Paul supporters calling in over and over. Levin is not the only one to get the wacky comments, because I have also noticed Paul seems to attract the far fringe tin foil hat crowd.

    What else is interesting is I never hear of these charges from his opponents in the mainstream media or in the debates. Why that is, I have no idea. At any rate, this needs to be more open if these charges are true because voters should be more aware of these things just like any other candidate’s record. Right now, it seems personality is taking a hold more than substance and records.

  2. Update: CNN’s the Situation Room uncovered Ron Paul’s writings, but the report says The Ron Paul Report did not write them himself. But they also cite the New Republic piece. Ron Paul is on the Situation Room now spinning his way out of it. Whether he wrote them or not, he should of at least oversaw what was being written under his name.

    Wolf Blitzer is asking who wrote these items, and he claims he does not know who wrote those items, and he is saying over and over again that he is the “anti-racist”. Maybe so, but it does look very, very bad.

    Here is the CNN report: